I have been steadily employed for 20 years. I would have to say that I was truly in the rat race, working in design in New York City.
A few weeks ago I was “terminated” due to a company restructuring.
20 years ago I did not have many of the things I have in my life today. Many blessings. Good friends.
One thing I have today is my yoga practice. Since my termination it is quite interesting how things have gone.
With the loss of the job stress I feel a freedom in my practice. Even a playfulness
if that makes sense.
My meditations have become more open and honest.
It’s as if God has said ,OK. Time to take a break and reboot.
Balanced, I am eagerly anticipating what the future holds.
I say all this to encourage others going through maybe this situation or something else.
Keep going to the mat!
Good… and you can take my example also.
I left (resigned) my fancy job to devote myself to yoga. Trust me am enjoying this phase and have no regret. Yoga has changed my life forever.
I hear you. The advertizing and design world is quite schizophrenic, and sometimes things like getting laid off are the best things that could happen to your mind, body and soul. I see this as an opportunity to focus on YOU, and I’m happy to hear that you are too. Namaste!