Blood pressure blessing

Be ahimsa in core philosophy. Harmless nonexploitative nonunsustainable.

When in this typa abysmal environment mix up 10 football fields by football fields side for say six sided say cube say and do it mixing up the lil bank with your hands circulating a mini chi ball like a fushigi almost.

Yeeeuahhhh nigaaaa Jet Li The Original Thai Chi Master🐲🐲🐲 - YouTube

Know the momentum you want know the angle you want and do the things three steps at a time. Three steps at a time three steps in one. Wing Chun fight, one move to defeat the enemy. #kungfu - YouTube

Once upon a wish. Once upon a magic fish once a tons of one’s hunch.

Woah how many can do this level of superpowers?

Just be good. No evil problems allowed

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Though still specifically also obey core philosophy essentials on by @veganstringbean on sanyasi page.

Subliminally I reply yes why no to everyone basically. That’s what I’d try to prevent/moveaway sexual/marriage fantasy blockages. Taijiquan Goddess, do you dare to marry her? #martialart #kungfu - YouTube

Tai Chi is undefinablyable. Taijiquan is a teacher. Tai Chi Chuan is a surprising but and also foreign. I don’t even know if this is what most people would feel. Woah I know I know I know. Woah.

Yoga is an integrated mind-body exercise that, by combining asana, breath control, meditation, and relaxation techniques, can help people lower blood pressure and maintain it within the normal range.

However, for people with high blood pressure, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting a yoga practice, especially if the condition is severe or if you are taking medication. Physicians can provide individualized advice to ensure the safety and fitness of your yoga practice. In addition, it is important to maintain a consistent and regular practice and incorporate yoga as part of a healthy lifestyle, along with dietary modifications and other recommendations for optimal blood pressure control. Excess salt intake may also cause blood pressure fluctuations.

Good morning everyone as we know about blood pressure problem. I think we will do yoga asanas practice daily some important yoga are Vipassana mediation Dhruvasana benefits

My blood pressure is blessed i see. Thank you for the great info for us. Soon we’ll be beating like a tortoise hahahahah. Om shanti bless