Blood pressure

Thanks again for your great site. Last year I had a severe case of pneumonia. It has taken me a year to recuperate and feel energetic. One side effect was that I did a lot of reading and studying and chanting and sitting. Another side effect of not exercising is that my blood pressure has gone UP. I finally got permission from the doc to begin exercising, so naturally I began my Yoga practice including pranayama (gentle). My chest has started to hurt again. They discovered a small tumor on my lung and have been watching it. Mentally I feel great. Do you have any suggestions? I have told my students that I was in a “meditative” mode but now that spring is approaching they will want to get more into sun salutations etc.

Warm regards, V

For blood pressure the best recommendation is gentle ujjaye pranayama as described in my book called the wave breath. By following the wave motion downward on the inhalations and upwards on the exhalations the heart rate is slowed. A set of instructions from Swami Vivekananda for Raja Yoga Meditation would be first sit and be relaxed (use chair if you want), 2nd slow down the breath into the wave pattern, 3rd step ask your thoughts to come more slowly an 4th introduce a positive thought or mantra to repeat over and over.

For the tumor I suggest you check with NIES at 800-593-9780 for an herbal product called Compin, commonly called Indian mud. Active ingredient is bloodroot. It was initially formulated of herbs by native Americans for healing both internal and external cancers. My entire family has used a variation for external use called Compex for the removal of potential skin cancers. It has the remarkable ability to seek out what is dangerous and attack that site only. I recently was in Arizona and heard some remarkable stories of its benefits from a healer using it for over 20 years.