Boogaloo Yoga

Dear Mukunda,

Boogaloo Yoga! This topic has come up recently in General Yoga Forum and your recent Q&A post “spinal problems” (1/12 entry).

Would you please comment further on this technique? I would like your general instruction, and focus for this one - breath and mind. Is it applicable to any vinyasa? Also, what responses, benefits are likely? Is a vata imbalance the primary use, or would an emotional blockage of prana held in a tamasic or kapha way also benefit? Is the playful quality of this movement of energy beneficial for the movement of fiery pitta qualities into more constructive channels?

Thank you and Namaste,

Chandra - This term “boogaloo Yoga” refers to the idea of play, lighten up and dance with your practice on ocassion. This breaks up patterns that tend to occur when your practice becomes overly disciplined, too regular, or too focused on a particular method and you discover yourself critical of others ways of Yoga. It is highly beneficial regardless of your methodology. It is beneficial for all doshic imbalances - for vata it relaxes as it creates new patterns for prana to explore self awareness; for pitta it encourages play and not being so agressive; for kapha it softens hardness and the tendency to become stangnant and allows it to regain its inherent happiness and laughter.