Bow Knees

I have a questions regarding a yoga student I have in Tucson. She has
pretty extreme bow knees, the right one worse than the left. She states
that she is not comfortable standing in Tadasana with feet pointed forwards. She does it, but always gets hip pain from it.

As I looked at her posture, she also has a high degree of internally rotated
shoulders (carpal tunnel syndrome both hands), and flat feet - worse on the right. What would you suggest for the bowing of legs and discomfort through hips and shoulders/wrists? I advised her to stand in the way that felt best and focus on natural alignment of spine. Peace, M

Good advice. With extreme bowed legs there is likely to be an increase
in the external hip rotation. Giving her permission to stand with feet
turned out may be natural alignment for her body. This may also help with
flat feet. One way to find natural alignment is to have her jump up and
down 4 times and however she lands that foot placement is natural for her.