Breathing change


I have been practicing yoga now for about 3 years. One thing I try to do is monitor how my body feels after my practice and then the next morning.
While doing a breathing meditation today I could strongly feel my breathing more in my back than I ever have before.More in the mid back.
Granted, last night during class we did some good full wheels and scorpions. But I’ve done that before.
I would expect that this is a result of my practice. It actually felt very deep and satisfying.
Opinions?:slight_smile: Thanks.

You are going on the right path. Keep listening these subtle changes…

Thanks. My physical yoga practice has led me to be more mindful of my physical
and spiritual condition. I seem to take more notice of even slight changes in how things feel.
As people we all too often walk around in a semi comatose state. Not paying attention to things around us and in us. Of course including myself in there too!

So if I can somehow achieve clarity at times. Taking in the moment. Saying hello to a stranger. Or just sensing a difference in my breathing.

For me this is special.

When these changes happen, you become odd man out. But it is fine, accept it. Just surrender yourself to nature and it will take care…Keep experiencing the nectar of nature…

We hope this “odd man out” that Umesh so aptly mentions will, over time, become less odd and less out:-)