Breathing Pillow?

I visited a new studio this Saturday and the yogi offered weighted pillows to place on the stomach during savasana. Lovely…After class, I should have specifically asked what those were, but I thought I could just google it. Nope,nothing comes up that matches what I saw.

It was a pillow filled with buckwheat or rice maybe. About 15 inches long and 12 inches wide. It maybe weighed 2 pounds?

Anyone have any ideas?

They sell little sandbags for this purpose, if you are cheapo you can probably make your own.

any idea what they are called?

We’ve always just called them sandbags. =)

Google yoga sandbags and you’ll find a much of places selling them, or you could just make your own. They’re nice for legs up the wall too, you can put one on top of your feet and one on your stomach, feels lovely.