
I’m currently reading Structural Yoga Therapy and had a question regarding the breathing (chapter 7). On page 50 at the very top it says to breath in expanding the chest and then the abdomen. This is different to the full yogic breath taught by the Sivananda Ashrams and Centers. In the full yogic breath the inhalation is down into the abdomen first and then into the chest. Exhalation is taught the same way by Sivananda and Mukunda Stiles. I wondered if you consider one way to be correct and the other incorrect and if so why? Or, I suspect, the main aim is to get people to breath deeply and smoothly learning to use their full lung capacity. I would be very appreciative if you could let me know if it’s considered preferable to inhale into the chest first and the reason for this.
Thank you, Max

Max - the wave motions from top to bottom and bottom to top are unique to the teachings of Krishnamacharya as far as I know. We have had some lively discussions on this via as well as on my archive site for Q & A at you can look up the dialog there for more details (see Both styles of yoga have beneficial breathing methods but I find that the way I work also helps to establish balance in the Ayurvedic doshas when coupled with Asana practices. The major aim is smooth respiration and also a progression that leads into meditation via the guidelines of Patanjali Yoga Sutras in II, 48-52.