Can Yoga help tone your body?

Can Yoga help tone your body?
Yoga is an amazing form of exercise. Without the need for any special equipment, you can practice yoga anywhere and all you need is a Yoga mat! It is known to enhance your strength, flexibility, endurance as well as muscle tone. Yoga poses (asanas) have a dual purpose – while some employ your body weight to strengthen your body, others focus on simply strengthening your muscles.

Each pose is designed to target specific muscle groups allowing you to work on your body with greater ease. A good example of an asana that helps you gain muscle definition by using your own body weight is the Chaturanga Dandasana while the Trikonasana engages major muscle groups to stretch and strengthen them. A regular yoga practice will show you a visible difference in your body is more sculpted and muscles being stronger than before, all without lifting a single weight!

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