Can't bend my wrist

I have a bone fusion in my right wrist so I am unable to bend it. This means that I cannot do downward dog or plank or any positions that require a flattened hand like those positions I mentioned. I know there are poses, like standing ones, that I can do, but I am super super new to yoga. I really need to work on flexibility, strength, and focus. If anyone has any advice, tips, or suggestions they would be greatly appreciated. I would like to be able to do whole sequences, I hope it is possible without the use of my wrist.

Thank you

Hi Marybeth,
Are you practicing with a teacher? Or at home? I would highly recommend practicing with a teacher for a while considering the limitations with your wrist. Many mosts that put weight on the hands can be modified to bring the forearms all the way down, so the wrist doesn’t have to bend at all.

Hello Marybeth,

While it is not “the same” you may be able to do Phalakasana (plank), Vasisthasana (side plank), Bhujangasana (Cobra), Sarpasana (Serpent), and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog) on the knuckles of your fist or using a prop called GripItz. In these poses the forearms can remain perpendicular to the floor. In Downward facing dog, since the forearms are 45? to the floor I would suggest the support of the wall rope system. Otherwise, the pose may place strain in the wrist where it is undesirable for the wrist that you currently have.

Of course a good yoga therapist would have an intake with you to determine exactly what was fused, where, and when as well as what mobilities and stabilities are required for your unique situation. This is why working directly with a sound teacher is so helpful.