Certification - feeling Prana

I really enjoyed the weekend but I am concerned about certification and my difficulty with prana and the doshas. All this side of things I have trouble = getting my head around. Saturday morning when you were talking about it all, I was swimming as best as I could but my head was under most of the time. I don’t think I feel prana or the chakras, not sure what I should feel. I think I’m open to it but don’t think I’m connected. I’m concerned that without being evolved in that way that I will not stand a chance at getting certified.

Don’t concern yourself with feeling prana and chakras of the subtle body that is not the scope of the course. I intend to only talk about ayurvedic and subtle body terms in a general way, I am not expecting students in this basic Structural Yoga Therapy course to have a functional knowledge of this. Certification is for competency in physical body assessments and then recommendations that will be helpful for physical complaints.

The anatomy and procedures for testing and so on are fine, I feel confident that I will be able to master that side of things, but is this enough?

That is great. All you need.

I need an idiots guide to chakras, doshas, and prana!!! Any suggestions?

Yoga and Ayurveda by David Frawley is enough for now.

Also do we need to know the muscles that make up the erector spinae?