Cervical stenosis

Hi Mukunda, this is from a participant in my hospital based stress reduction program. The following is her letter asking if you have any suggestions; she may be interested in a private assessment if possible when you are in Calgary in March. When she started the stress reduction program in September, she had very little patience. I would guess she might be approximately 42 years old. If its helpful to post her letter in your Q and A that would be fine, She is very motivated to do whatever will benefit her.

Thank you, H.

“Dear Sir, I would like to ask about ways that I could strengthen my spine And shoulders after recently being diagnosed with cervical stenosis on the basis of a congenitally narrowed cervical canal as well as bulging of the C5-6 and C6-7 discs. There is no associated foraminal stenosis. I appreciate that you have knowledge of therapeutic yoga, and realize the benefit to myself as I recently have begun to practice yoga. Background Information: I have been employed as a Licensed Practical Nurse for 21 years. Mainly I have worked in Long Term Care where heavy lifting and transferring of patients is part of my duties. On October 12, 2001, I assisted in lifting a patient who had fallen, to her feet. I had both arms extended under patient’s arms and patient pushed back into me as she stood. At this time I did not feel any discomfort. The next morning I woke, sat up on the side of the bed and heard and felt 3 distinct ‘thunks’ in my neck region. This was followed by momentary dizziness, and pain radiating from my middle neck across my left shoulder and down my left arm. It was uncomfortable, but tolerable, so I used ice and heat and rested for that day. The next day the pain had significantly increased in my left arm, especially elbow and hand. I went to the doctor and was told it was a muscle strain. The next day I woke to find that my left thumb and next 2 fingers were numb. The intense pain lingered 6 weeks. During this time I went to physio and regained some mobility and the pain gradually decreased. Triceps remain very weak as well as weakness to left wrist, and finger extensors. I continue to have diminished sensation in my fingers. After an MRI done in November I was sent to an Orthopedic Surgeon for assessment. His advice is that surgical intervention is reasonable (within the next 6 months). As I had started yoga and stress reduction (based upon mindfulness meditation) in September of 2001-I felt that not only the meditation, body scan, and yoga poses helped me with pain, but I have seen improvement in flexibility, mobility, and stress reduction. At the present I am on no medication and am practicing yoga daily as well as walking 5 km daily. I would appreciate any information or direction you could give to me in regard to my situation. At present I am researching alternative solutions to this condition. I sincerely appreciate your time and attention to this matter. Kindest regards, C”

C and H -

First of all I commend you on your working together to address this difficult challenge. Secondly my advice is to only to those motions that alleviate pain, built strength and promote sensitivity to your comfort zone. I would highly recommend you do my Joint Freeing Series daily in harmony with breathing rhythmically as you do the motions. The thought is that as i move my joint i send the breath energy into the joint and free it up for ease of mobility and heightened energy throughout my body. As you do this always remember to extend (open) the joint before moving it. With regards to the neck region do not go to full range of motion but rather hold yourself back to 50% and emphasize feeling spaciousness between the vertebrae. Be especially cautious on extension (looking upward). When I come to Calgary next month it would be most helpful if both of you come for a session together to help each other learn how to work with this situation.