Chakra Cleanser

Hello :slight_smile:
I am looking informations about chakra’s cleaning. Does anybody can tell me how can i do it? I mean in practical way :slight_smile:
I have seen an application in google play store called “chakra cleanser”.
my friend told me that it realy works but i am not sour about it. Have you ever heard about it?

i saw the chakra cleaning app in android market, that says select which one you want to clean, and place the phone on that area (like on top of your head) and let the cleansing begin…

i can’t tell if they are serious, or just trying to show that people are willing do do anything to feel like they are taking part in eastern culture.

Heya mrnobody194,
I just published a small book on this exact topic. It will teach you how to chakra balance easily and its very practical info. Don’t need any fancy equipment - just your hand/arm.
Balancing and cleaning I would consider the same principle. If you can just get the chakras functionally optimally they clean and re-ogranise themselves accordingly.
Its up on amazon for kindle platforms. if u dont have a kindle you can download the software onto any computer or mobile device to view kindle products…
anyways, check it out.
search amazon kindle - “chakra balancing made simple and easy” by Michael Hetherington.


…fruit salad with yogurt, does it for me.
