Click in knee

This question is for myself. I’m 44, in good health, and have been
engaged in Hatha Yoga for over 20 years. This year I’ve noticed my left knee has begun to click when I bend the joint. There is no pain
whatsoever, it is simply a matter of the sound which when I’m teaching and I bend down to adjust someone in Savasana, for example, an audible click resounds through the silent room. Just a bit distracting! Is this part of the aging process and what can I do about it? It seems to originate from behind the patella.

It is common to have creaky joints starting in the 40s, even for those with a long history of yoga practice. I find that two scenarios can help one is to lay off asanas for a few days or up to a week and do pranayama and meditation only. The other is to do only the joint freeing series without any asanas for a week. The situation is often due to overuse of the joint. As the knee is the largest joint in the body it is usually the first to show signs of wear. Taking supplements of chondroitin and glucosamine mixed can rebuild connective tissue.