Coating on Tongue

Hello Mukunda, Once again, heartfelt thanks for this forum. A yoga student of mine, early 60’s, has asked me for advice. She finds that when she lies in the corpse pose or in bed at night that the tip of her tongue and the back of her throat start to “burn.” She also has noted (with disgust) a thick, white, bitter coating on her tongue in the mornings. I suggested she begin scraping her tongue (she had never heard that before) but otherwise I have no idea what to suggest to her. Her doctors are at a loss to explain or alleviate symptoms. She says she has the feeling it started when she began doing sports (weights) and yoga. As she is very bothered by this, I promised to ask you. Thank you. Warm greetings.

According to Dr. Vasant Lad writing in Ayurveda the Science of Life, a white coating is sign of increased kapha, ama (toxins from undigested food) and mucous. If the coating is in the posterior section they are in colon, if middle section then toxins are in stomach and small intestine. I suspect there is a displacement of pitta into kapha underlying this symptom due to her feeling of a burn. It is a sign that an improved diet is needed. Look at any Ayurveda book and take a diet for kapha. The diets are all written to reduce the dosha quality, as they tend to increase. For best results consult a trained Ayurvedic practitioner.