Comment on uterus/ovary removal

COMMENT – I just wanted to pass on information regarding students who have had the uterus/ovaries removed. Many allopathic physicians do not inform their patients that the supporting ligaments to the uterus are removed during a hysterectomy. The same ligaments support the bladder. Consequently, the bladder tends to descend over time, and oftentimes a second procedure is performed later to create a ?sling? to support the bladder. If a hysterectomy is the only solution, there are physicians that will perform a hysterectomy without removing the ligaments. It is a complicated procedure, but it can be done. For those who are experiencing incontinence and other bladder problems related to the removal of the uterus, the diligent practice of Mula bandha and Uddiyana bandha is extremely important. Namaste,
Renee, Wichita