Comment - re. pregnancy

I would also like to add to your suggestion that pregnant women with nausea do twists. Unless she is very body wise, aware, and experienced, there are only two twists I’d recommend to a pregnant woman. One would be Bharadvajasana on a chair and the other would be an easy spinal twist, on the back – Jathara Parivartanasana – but with gently bent knees on rolled blankets placed a foot or so from the hips so the knees can rest easy off the floor without stressing the abdominal area while the Yogini looks out at the opposite side hand. Standing side bends and Trikonasana offer elongated smooth twisting actions and stimulate the abdominal organs too. Babies in the womb seem to like the rocking actions of going in and out of postures as much as stillness, repose, and meditation in the Asana.

From M.

I have experienced using Jathara Parivartanasana being of tremendous help to a final trimester lady. Janet was just 6 weeks away from her due date and the baby had turned breech and was not repositioning herself. Janet was stressed over this. I had her do the lying revolving abdominal twist and held her there for about 20 minutes. By pulling down on the iliac crest as I held her there her baby daughter moved into proper birth position. Janet was ecstatic and glowing from the experience. She had an easy delivery.