I am new learner to meditation and i am currently attending a basic course at a center in my country. Not sure if i can mentioned the name here, i will not at this moment.
I am just curious and want to know more, the below comment is just personal feelings and doubt. Please let me know if i am not allowed to share anything sensitive as mentioned below.
During the course, we discussed about who we are, who is god, and they teach on simple mediation technique.
The center has a hall with red lights on and everyone sit comfortably meditating with the red lights on. I was abit freak out and i have many questions to this. The teacher will not be able to answer to my question.
My understanding that we meditate to have a peaceful mind and to calm our thoughts. But, what my meditation teacher was saying is that meditation is the only way to reach the supreme soul and connect to GOD. I disagree at this point as i think meditation is not the only way to connect to GOD. I had a feeling that the teacher is trying to say that only through meditation ( on the way they do ) that we are able to connect to GOD and clear all our sin. It is the way that we prepare ourself to surrender to GOD and let GOD bring us to another world when the world is ending. I was also told that GOD has communicate with their choosen one to send us the message.
I am not very religious, but i believe GOD is the creator of everything we are enjoying now in this life. I trust all religion only teach us one thing , is to do good, nothing less than that.
Has meditation got to do to connect to god? I have only touch on sutra patanjali chapter one.Patanjali did not mentioned anything about this on meditation. What he mentioned was to find an object and concentrate. The aim of yoga is to break out unit consciousness into universal consciousness by letting go our ego and do good. It is also through yoga , that we find the peace of mind , bliss , enlightenment to reach samathi ( long lasting happiness
). In order to apply yogah citta vritti nirodhah is to meditate to be at peace. But , to be at peace, we can do many other things. Like, if i am concentrating on driving , clear my mind , then i am meditating. Another example is that only when i am doing my asana , my mind is no where else but on the mat concentrating on eveyr breath and movement , can that be a meditation too?
Am i trying to absorb too much and confused my self ? Or i just make it too complicated to understand ??