Connection between Yoga & Ayurveda

Connection between Yoga & Ayurveda

A yogic approach to healing is not a specialization or a side-line technique but requires a synthesis of all levels and aspects of healing.

That is why classical Yoga has an eightfold approach from lifestyle practices and values through asana, pranayama, to samadhi

We can call asana the “external medicine” of Yoga. It primarily treats musculoskeletal disorders, but indirectly can benefit many other conditions and can provide an ideal form of exercise for everyone.

Yet without the proper diet, its healing potentials are limited, as bodily activity is going to reflect the nutrition the body receives. Asana works best in the context of Ayurvedic dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Kaivalyadhama carefully designed Yoga & Ayurveda workshop to spread knowledge about Specific interpretation of Yogic texts & Yogic terms through the lens of Applied Ayurveda


Yoga provides the spiritual and psychological basis for Ayurveda and its higher applications . For a truly holistic and spiritual approach to medicine and healing, we need both Yoga meditation and Ayurveda, but with Ayurveda providing the medical foundation and Yoga the spiritual goal and practices.

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Ayur means life and veda means science. Ayurveda is a ancient times system of medicine. This process start with an internal purification and followed by a special diet and herbal medicines. The connection between ayurveda and Yoga is pretty strong becasue Human body needs both the spiritual and the medical fitness, so yoga and ayurveda are the perfect combination to heal medicaly and spiritually. Ayurveda provides the medical foundation and Yoga the spiritual goal and practices.