any experience with it, is it that important?
Hi Tubeseeker,
I find the effects of food on the body very helpful to understand.
For example, my body is predominantly Vata-Kapha(air/ether-water/earth) and I have found that if I eat too much grain my body/energy feels sluggish and heavy;too much sugar and I sneeze alot and too much mucus affecting concentration;too much raw food and the circulation is poor and the body cold, except in hot climates where the body can eat abit more raw foods. Generally my body type needs warming foods to increase Pitta(fire).
There’s heaps to explore and observe within oneself lots of books and web sites.
Peace to you,
the problem I find it my dosha veries depending on the website, I have come out all three types depending on the quiz I take
Maybe it would be good to find an Ayurvedic practitioner who can help you with it. I found it took some time to find out my body type too, to observe what my body reacts to etc.
Some questions(I may be able to help, but it would still be good to go to a practitioner who can see you):
- Do you generally move/perform activity fast or slow?
- Do you prefer warm or cool weather?
- Are you generally ambitious and competitive?
- Is your speech fast or slow?
- Do you put on/lose weight easily?
- Is your body frame large, medium or small?
- Is your digestion fast, medium or slow?
- Out of these organs what (can be more than one) usually gets out of balance or is more disease-prone:the colon, lungs, liver, skin, eyes?
This is very interesting.
May I hope for a free analysis if I answer the questions ?
Nevermind, I did some research … I am mostly vata, than khapa, and slightly the pitta type. I did percieve myself as vata in my childhood, (though I did not know the term) and I always wanted to be like the pitta guys. Kapha is present as thick, oily skin and hair, low heartrate, strong pulse, and tendency to accumulate fat on my lower abdomen. As about food/cooking, I found that it is not recommended for vata types to eat too much raw food (salads, frozen foods), and I should have a fixed meal routine.
All this is very interesting.
Hey Hubert,
Oh I was too late, but you know about your body type already :)…I tried eating raw food last summer and coz there’s abit of a raw food craze around Byron Bay lately,not so good for my body type(Vata/Kapha&Pitta abit less), but i guess we just have to experiment…Lucky my boyfriend noticed my cold hands and feet (and I said ‘oh, they’re always like that’)…and i started eating more cooked foods again. Sometimes in the past I envied the Pitta types too…so active generally achieve alot… but I’m happy being chilled and I don’t really care about achieving so… I’m not so ambitious… but just in this lifetime to know the mind, know the thoughts, choose which to get involved in , which to let go of ( the ones that cause suffering of course) is enough!
soul, thank you for your response, I did some searching and found someone in the are who I am going to have an evaluation done, hopefully that will answer my questions. as far as your questions, that is part of the problem, in one through four I can be either way, on five I can gain and loose fast
on six and I am medium
8 is the skin
so when I take the exams I dont always know which way to answer
enjoy the journey
I’ll guess Vata-Pitta…but cool if you do check with this person you found.
It’s good to know coz then you can find which foods best suit your constitution to help stay in balance.
Peace, Soul
that is normally what I got, pretty ballanced between those two on the scores, but on one site I was kapha . it seems for you it made a pretty big difference, hopefully it will gain a little more energy. how you breathe, how you eat, how you exercise, and how you think, cant go wrong with learning more about those.
Cooking for your Ayurvedic body type is such a personalized approach to eating, and it makes a big difference in how you feel after meals. The idea of balancing the elements in your body with food choices is really good, and it can totally transform your energy levels. Using the right tools, like a good grill, can also enhance the cooking experience. For people interested in high-quality outdoor cooking equipment, the monument grills customer service could help you choose the perfect grill to match your Ayurvedic cooking style. It’s all about finding harmony, both in food and in the tools you use!