Cork Yoga Mat - What should I know?

Hi all, I am looking into using a cork yoga mat. I like that cork mats are less toxic and more environmentally friendly than regular mats. I am wondering what (if any) your experience has been with cork mats, what do you love/hate about what you are currently using and what you would recommend I look for to find the “perfect” mat? I alternate between hot yoga and regular temperature practice. Thanks!

Hi, I’m always looking for new yoga mats too. I just discovered cork yoga mats. They are eco-friendly and high quality. Here’s the blog. I hear it’s popular with Aussie yoga teachers. I pre-ordered a mat at a discounted cost to give it a try, but they are also giving away free mats right now. Here’s where you can buy it. Hope that helps!

Cork yoga mats are great. They were originally created for paddle board yoga (they wetter they get, the stickier they become), but they of course aren’t limited to PDY. A lot of yogis like to use cork mats in hot yoga classes because they get stickier as you sweat more over the course of the class. They are easy to clean and eco-friendly, but not very cushiony. If you have bad knees and need a thick mat for support, this sort of mat is not for you. I hope this helps!

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I just started using a cork yoga mat and loving it so far. A bit heavier because of the rubber base but the cork feels really lovely against the skin. I got mine from CorkSpace.

Mine has rubber base with a thin cork topping which makes it a thicker mat with more protection for joints rather than a completely cork mat. The cork is soft to the touch but grips nice & more so when wet. Good for home/studio use rather than as a travel mat due to the weight. Would recommend.

I think this article really helped me with finding the best yoga mat for me, maybe it'll help you too!

How to handle your cork mat:

Cork naturally kills bacteria, mold, smells. It does not cause any allergies.
Freeme Yoga cork mat:

The ultimate eco-friendly cork yoga mat. Freeme Yoga cork yoga mat is designed to support you and Mother Earth. It’s 1830 x 610 mm and 3 mm and 2,2 kg of sustainability, unmatched grip, beauty, eco-friendliness and yoga satisfaction.

I came across a kickstarter campaign of cork yoga mats - found the price to be affordable comparatively. Have heard great things about cork! Thinking about backing them so will be using it starting october!

I've just bought the ROOTD Elite cork yoga mat and it's amazing! It's completely non toxic and the cork and rubber are bonded together with heat and then laser engraved so there arent any glues or dyes or anything nasty like that!

Would highly recommend the ROOTD Elite Mat:

Also you can get a carry bag and strap for free which is really useful

ROOTD Elite Mat