Cramping in my left foot

Hi all -
Quick question and plea for suggestions…

Recently I have been getting ‘charlie horses’ or cramps in my left foot when doing certain poses. Child’s pose and pigeon primarily. Seems like it happens to my left foot anytime I extend/stretch it out and flatten the top of my foot to the ground. Specifically the cramping is from the middle of the top of the foot to the toes on the outside of my foot.

I’ve been doing yoga for several years now and this is something new. I’ll query my yoga instructor today in class but just thought some of you might be able to offer some suggestions/help.

One thing I’ll start doing tonight is using a tennis ball and doing some mobility work on it.

Thanks for any help you can offer!

To ameliorate the cramping take a mat remnant or thin blanket, roll it tightly, then place it across the front of the ankle joint in the poses where cramping is an issue.

Nutritionally the balance between magnesium and potassium in your body should be evaluated. If you are not getting enough magnesium cramping can result. How are you eating and how are you hydrating???

Thanks Gordon! I’ll try the prop idea today.

Actually - you may have hit on something straight away…my diet. About a month ago I stopped eating processed foods (bread and sugar). My near debilitating hip pain has totally cleared up and I feel amazing but perhaps my mag/pot levels are off because of that? I’ll do a search on sources of mag/pot and see if they are lacking in my ‘new’ way of eating.

Hydrating is good (I think). 1 coffee/day, tea (herbal or green) and water.

Thanks again. As always - your information and support in this forum is so valuable!

Cashews, quinoa, halibut, spinach, swiss chard.

And of course coffee is a diuretic which depletes essential minerals from the body, not a hydrator, a dehydrator. :slight_smile:

Dont forget raw cacao nibs over 300 mg mag. and hemp seeds where the latter has over 800mg mag per 100g , 50 % fat though but luckily there is cold pressed powder versions of both still high in mag as well as other essential things in them but with lower fat. just add 1 tbsp of each in your breakfast and your done.

Thank you that is helpful.
