Creaky Joints

Hi Mukunda, Did you get my last question on joints that creak/grind (e.g., neck). I forgot what you had said that meant last workshop…and I am working with a client like that. I also have a yoga student with her knees the same. Doctors say it is not repairable. What about hiatus hernia or ulcer? Om

Not sure. That questions doesn’t ring a bell. Creaking is called crepitis. It is a sign of vata imbalance; the best is doing joint freeing series regularly, the whole series. If there is pain then I would recommend doing arthritis diet see for details on it.

Hiatal hernia is usually repairable via surgery if it is too large a hernia. If it is minor then recommendation is not to pull up on abdomen and do poses that do that such as knees to chest, plow, and squat. Helpful but not therapeutic are back bends such as cobra and camel. I know of no physical therapy that works for this condition. Though I have heard some chiropractors and rolfers claim a manipulation can be of benefit, i never found one who could do it when I had a client with a severe condition. He needed surgery and is now fine.

Ulcers respond to anti pitta diet and avoiding stretching sensation in yoga (these will increase pitta). Best is pranayama and relaxation. Usually this is due to instability of lifestyle, increased stress and making too many demands on yourself. Recommendation - lighten up!