Crow Pose Pointers Needed

I try to do Crow Pose. I can almost get there but when I finally lift that last toe off the ground I end up falling forward. What am i doing wrong?

I hope you are learning from a teacher…if not please go to a teacher. A properly qualified experienced teacher will be able to observe you and give appropriate direction.

Without actually being able to see your form it is difficult to say what you are doing wrong or how to improve…but try

1.make sure hands are shoulder width, with a good spread of fingers and weight distributed evenly over hands.
2.Make sure that as elbows bend that they stay only a shoulder width and do not splay out to the sides.
3.Knees should be as high as possible on the upper/outer arm.
4. Try just shifting your weight slowly forward into the arms…not actively lifting your feet…just shift the weight slowly to the arms while looking forward and up.
5. As the weight moves into your arms and toes start to come away from the floor…squeeze your legs in towards each other…pressing your arms inward…at the same time engage the abdominal muscles…lifting in and up.
6. Once comfortable and balanced here you can start to lift your heels more towards your butt, straighten the arms more, look forward/up.

Placing a soft cushion on the floor in front of you can help a lot with the fear factor.

I just want to add to the above post-keep your gaze forward, not down and yes, very important to shift the weight, not lift the feet. Good luck and keep practicing!
Anne (yoga in the beautiful Hudson River Valley)

[QUOTE=violetmoonyoga;84800]I just want to add to the above post-keep your gaze forward, not down and yes, very important to shift the weight, not lift the feet. Good luck and keep practicing!
Anne (yoga in the beautiful Hudson River Valley)[/QUOTE]

As stated, look way forward, as soon as you look at your hands/feet, you will likely summersault (tuck a shoulder if necessary).

It is the same with forearm handstand and handstand, look forward. (I know there is a 17 letter word with 6 y’s in it, can’t think of it)
