Hello Jay,
When we make choices to change or transform ourselves there is often a slithering out of one skin as we wiggle our way forward. Leaving behind some old things that are not prepared to or able to grow with us is often a byproduct.
This process takes time and can be as uncomfortable as stretching tight hamstrings. Nine months is not very long so I would first and foremost advocate the fifth requirement of a student of Yoga; patience.
Having “community” is incredibly valuable when it does not lead to a sheltered, myopic existence. Being around like-minded people is supportive and empowering, not to mention occasionally inspirational. It is incredibly easy to be drawn into old dynamics.
It is very likely that maintaining your practice will increase your self-awareness AND that the increase there will begin to draw some things toward you while making it difficult for others things to be in the space of your light. This too, while not “normal” is very, very common. A thing in balance tends to move toward balance while a thing out of balance tends to move out of balance.
Stay in balance my friend.