Degeneration, Compression

I am interested in this statement you made–In degeneration or compression I always recommend increasing water intake to 1-2 quarts of water (not juices or beverages) per day. Would you please explain why this works physiologically? I heard this from another source too and I’m interested in the science. Thanks! Karen

I am not a physiologist so the science is beyond me. It is explained thoroughly in a book called Your Bodies Many Cries for Water by Batmanghelidj, MD. From my limited view of spinal discs, they are 80% water and if bodies reservoir drops below requirements they will also loose their inherent moisture and compress the adjacent nerves.

One reader (Vicky Amitai) added this comment to recommendations for daily water intake - -I thought it was an ounce for every two pounds of weight. I weigh 110 lbs so for me just about a gallon per day would keep my tissues saturated to the 70-80% level that is required. Or 4 oz. every half hour (with the exception of 2 hrs following meals). It should be pure water at that, distilled or Aqua Fine (was tested to be the best).