Degenerative Arthritis

Dear Mukunda, I have a sister-in-law who has had 2 back surgeries and 1 hip surgery due to degenerative arthritis. The last back surgery was 3 months ago and it does not seem to have helped her much. She is 68 years old and has never done yoga. She is of German descent and a farmer of stocky build. Would there be something you could suggest that I could help her with? She has also had rotary cuff surgery because of a severe injury, and it left her with a weak arm. Her only exercise is walking. Also for a bursitis at the upper femur: how can that be stretched? Thank you for all the E-mails. I do enjoy them. J

For someone at this stage of life, who only does walking for exercise the joint freeing series is the best to give her. By emphasizing learning to coordinate the motions with her breath, she can begin to develop more bodily intuitive sensitivity to what she should and shouldn’t be doing. I would not give more specifics unless I see such a person face to face. Bursitis is not a condition that responds to stretching. Stretching increases pitta, and bursitis as well as arthritis is an inflamed pitta condition. Therefore doing stretching is quite likely to inflame her condition. JFS is much better to be done gently and slowly to her capacity. If she is willing to make some bigger changes I would recommend she undertake Indra Devi’s arthritis diet, which is basically for all increased pitta conditions. This will make the biggest difference. Details can be found on the archive site for Q & A - then search for arthritis diet. Blessings. Mukunda
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