
Hi Mukunda,

I have a student that has been coming to my classes for a long time and he just told me he has High Blood Pressure, Prostate problems, Diabetes and END stage Renal Failure. The Doctors are giving him a bunch of medication. It seems that some medication may help his diabetes but not be good for his kidneys or his high blood pressure. He seems to be in a viscous circle with the medication - nothing is helping him get better and he doesn’t know what else to do.

He has been told he needs to exercise for his diabetes and keep good muscle tone however the exercise he does is then effecting his high blood pressure. He just signed up for Dahn Yoga which is a Korean type yoga where they put their energy inside of you to help you heal. I’m not familiar with it at all are you?

My question is what do you recommend for him? Here is what I am thinking. Gentle yoga to reduce the high blood pressure and twists for his kidneys, Kaplibhati, Uddiyana Bandha, Alternate Nostril and meditation. I understand Ayurveda what tissues and channels are being effected. He has a blockage of flow in the Ambhuvaha srotas and I think also the manovaha srotas and the shukravaha srotas. The western doctors are giving him different diets as well but the diabetes diet conflicts with the kidney diet. I don’t think he is ready to change anything with his diet - he seems pretty set on keeping with what the doctors are telling him.

He is very religious. He is a cathloc-christian. He reads the bible for literary purposes. I also told him to read the bible in a way to bring it into his body so he can actually feel what the scriptures mean and to live the scriptures. He is also turning toward the Jehovah Witness religion for healing.

He is a very type A personnality so the meditation I think will help him a lot.

So, what do you think of my recommendations? Can you give me any other insights and recommendations?

Your recommendations are fine. there is a line between being a medical therapist and yoga therapist. watch for it. teach yoga not therapy for diabetes. this is only for licensed health practitioners. best is to keep him optimistic from mental ideas that are uplifting and from medittion prayer. you can only give what you have done for sadhana. hence unless you have diabetes you cannot give recommendations for it. so just focus on yoga not health. i can see him if he wishes in jan. openings on Thus. 1/27 at 12, 2, 4, 5. namaste mukunda