I have learned from a lot of “authorized” teachers and I have not seen or heard anyone going back to mountain pose between prasarita padotasana ABCD… Doesnt seem to make good sense to me either…
Mostly, there are slight differences between “authorized” ashtanga teachers but from what i know it is not in breath counts… That stays the same, which is why they count numerically in a led class.
You have to understand that pattabhi jois taught his students differently and at different times. For example, apparently he never taught knees up in down dog (source: David williams) also… Vinyasa between each side of seated asanas was only added in the 70s when he came to encinitas because he wanted the americans to get used to doing Vinyasa…
Also, David Swenson book he does not have jalandhara bandha engaged in many seated asanas, something he admits was a mistake.
You will definitely get confused if you try to learn from 5ashtanga teachers all at once.
Find a couple of them who really speaks to you. I recomend kino macgregor only because she has by far the best free easily accessible information through her YouTube channel…
Just remember when in doubt, just return to the breath and don’t stress about anything else. The breath is really the absolute foundation of the practice