Different Yoga poses

As we know that everybody likes to fit physically, mentally, spiritually with full of energy. Yoga exercise would be the best practice for everyone. There have ten different types of yoga pose which are benefited for our body such as

  1. Triangle pose
    2.boat pose.
    3.Cat and Cow Pose
    4.Tree Pose
    5.Easy Pose
    6.warrior Pose
    7.four Limbed stuff
    8.chair Pose
  2. Cwor pose
  3. Arm balance pose

**Triangle Pose: while doing triangle yoga pose. Don’t forget to practice each posture on the left and right site and make a balance it. Triangle pose is one of the best poses for our body and it brings lots of benefits. Its reduce your spinal problem and makes you flexible. Tryangle pose helps with the alignment of your shoulder. it also removes back pain.it relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area,

Boat Pose: This is not an easy posture. Like a boat while knees and arms are locked and straight back with the chain looking forward.
Cat and cow pose: Cat and Cow Pose is an easy, gentle way to warm up the spine. Its reduce nack pain. Cat and Cow is a gentle sequence of two poses that stretch the spine and prepares the body for activity.

Tree pose; Tree may seem like an easy posture. your back posture should be straight aligned properly. while standing on it improve your balance
Easy pose: The Easy Pose has many benefits for the body. Basically, the easy pose is a hip opener, its reduce anxiety and the menstrual pain for women.

Warrior pose: You need to relax your body and mind While strengthening your legs. When you are opening your chest and shoulders, movements which we usually don’t do all the time. its need good posture and a peaceful mind.

four-limbed stuff pose: The four-limbed stuff poses to increase your arms strength power and wrists and abdomen.

Chair pose: The Chair pose yoga strengthens your hip flexors, ankles, calves, and back. Chair posture stretches the chest and shoulders. your heart should be stimulated by chair pose it also encourages diaphragm, and abdominal organs too.

Crow Pose: The Crow yoga pose strengthens, arms muscle and the wrists. while crow pose balance is crucial for this pose.

Arm balance pose: The Arm Balancing yoga poses is an advanced level poses. It helps your blood flow throughout your body. It strength your muscle power. and your body and mind would be peace. For more about yoga practice, you can search for.

Nadira Chad

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Great explanation, TQ, Nadira.
Can I know what pose is that : open your leg as wide & straight as you can, then bend your body in front to your mat & forehead face down mat. How to call this ? & in fact, I'm trying to figure out how to do it as my body is not that flexible yet. Only can bend just a little bit down or can say just 5% down.
Any advice ? I know practice will make perfect :slight_smile:

Very useful details for a newbie.:man_judge:

Anyone can give some advice here ?

Hello Theresaa
about the poses of yoga i finally finish from my e-book for learning yoga poses if you or any one interested visit my website www.yogasportonline.com :slight_smile:

Okay, noted and thank you.

There is plenty of yoga asanas which is helpful is maintaining the overall health and also prevent the risk of injury. Yoga is very huge topic where you can learn different aspects of yoga which include the Hatha yoga, Bikram yoga, Power yoga, Vinyasa yoga and many others. In yoga you can learn the different types of yoga asanas, but if you are new to yoga, then here are some beginners yoga poses you must try in your daily routine.
• Mountain pose
• Downward facing dog
• Plank
• Triangle
• Tree
• Warrior 1
• Warrior 2
• Seated forward bend
• Bridge Pose
• Child pose

To start the day, 12 rounds of Surya namaskar, 20 rounds of Tibetan kriya is one of the best way. To learn more, you may refer the online resource of yoga philosophy.

The traditional Surya Namaskaram also known as Sun Salutation can be very helpful and covers different yoga poses. Sun Salutation is practiced at the beginning of an asana session to warm up the body, and to acknowledge the inner sun and its profound role in regulating the body.

Each round is comprising 12 movements - once with the right leg leading and once with the left, and one should practice this sequence at least twelve rounds by repeating twelve names of the Lord Sun.

The 12 Sun Salutation movements are based on the 12 zodiac signs and can help us to be in sync with our physical and mental cycles. In ancient days, this exercise was a daily routine as a part of yogic spiritual practices, and was practiced in the early morning facing the sun to internalize the sun as part of our body system.

Step 1: Prayer Pose (Pranamasana)


Step 2: Raised Arms Pose (Hasta Uttanasana)


Step 3: Standing Forward Bend (Padahastasana)


Step 4: Low Lunge/ Equestrian pose (Ashwa Sanchalanasana)


Step 5: Plank (Kumbhakasana)


For more asanas, visit: How to do the 12 Poses of Surya Namaskaram / Sun Salutation — Yoga Vana

Pic Courtesy: Swami Vishnudevananda

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Hello there , as we know there are many yogic poses out which Suryanamaskar contains 12 poses which can give benefit to all body which is like full body workout must be followed step by step keeping concentration on breathing and posture. .
Best regards!!

Hello I have been doing yoga poses and can already feel it in my legs. I watched this video and would like to share .https://youtu.be/rt1bsoOukjI

The top yoga poses

  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana) ...
  2. Tree Pose (Vrksasana) ...
  3. Triangle (Trikonasana) ...
  4. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) ...
  5. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) ...
  6. Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) ...
  7. Seated Forward Fold ( Paschimottanasana ) ...
  8. Bridge Pose (Setubandhasana)