Digestive issue

Have a good lady friend, advanced yoga practitioner, 55 years old, stressful business executive, slow, careful and thoughtful in her approach to most things. Had a bout of diarrhea about two months ago, which lasted, it seemed, about a month. Her diet, as far as I can see, is minus rice, pasta, potatoes, or breads. She likes to keep her weight in check with a vegetable, animal protein, wine, and diet. Last week, she had rectal bleeding which doctor said was a bleeding hemorrhoid. Can you suggest a diet/herbs/pranayama/asana regime to help correct some of this? I hope this is enough info to be of use. You must get a lot of people asking for snake oil cures, eh? Big hug, Tatiana

As she knows increasing fiber in diet is the standard protocol for hemorrhoids. Contraindicated is constipation and foods that slow down digestion. Also avoid chocolate, heavy animal protein, and excessive carbohydrates. The challenge is a difficulty in rupture of artery or vein in colon. Blood is pitta, rupture is vata. Both areas need addressing. For vata working with Mula bandha done with extremely strong contraction of buttocks not just pelvic floor will begin to address the regional deficiency. Deep to the gluteals are the external hip rotators. It is ideal for the contraction to pull the knees down as a sign that she is also working the external rotators. This is to be done regularly on exhale and relaxation of entire hip and pelvic region on inhales. Poses done with awareness of breath begin to balance vata. For pitta aspect increase Agni, digestive fire with pranayama like Agnisar dhouti. This is done by exhaling retaining breath and pumping belly back and forth as many times as possible before inhaling. Concentration and visualization on building digestive fire is secret to it working.