Does yoga increase vascularisation?

This may be a borderline risque question, but due to increased vascularisation, has yoga made you “more developed”?

“more developed”?

What do you mean here by developed?

I mean in more personal terms…but then as said risque…I wanted to know if it’s common.

Smoking narrows the arteries, including those that carry blood into that area. Smoking limits blood flow into the organ, which makes it smaller or so called “less developed”.
So if any activity helps improving blood flow overall, it can have all affects of it as well. But if this is the purpose of getting into yoga then better do gymnastic because yoga has totally different purpose.

No just curious to see if this is common.

not sure what practices you do, but i do not think any yoga increases the number of vessels you have … but one might just become more aware of those places that were neglected before… very sure some pranic blockage might be gone;)