Hello hello.
I’m glad I found you all.
I took my first yoga class twelve years ago almost to the day, and only this past week have I found the courage and trust in myself to successfully get into, and stay in, Crow! Needless to say, I’m sometimes a little late to the party.
My mind and body find it very. . . discomfiting. . . to be upside-down, so naturally headstands and handstands pose a problem, but if I can finally get Crow, I can eventually get there too. Oh–and even after so many years, why are my hammies still tight??
I like to mix up my practice. Some days a nice, gentle, basic Hatha class is what my body wants. Other days, it’s a rigorous vinyasa. At least once a week it wants hot yoga. Some weeks, it asks for a break from yoga altogether. If the years have taught me anything, it’s that it’s best to listen to your body and honor what it wants.
I just finished reading Neal Pollack’s “Stretch: The Unlikely Making of a Yoga Dude,” and now I want to meet Richard Freeman myself. Your personal recs on similar reads are always appreciated; I’m ready for another yoga memoir.
I’ve been married for over four years to a great guy who still won’t come to class with me. I’d love to hear how you finally convinced your partner to get into yoga. He doesn’t believe me when I tell him that he doesn’t have to be religious or spiritual in order to do the asanas.
No kids, and no plans to have any. The Russian Blue wonder cat is enough.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. It’s great to be here!