I’m going to being teaching a 7:30am hour-long class at my old universities rec center. I’ve taught there before but it was at 4:30pm, where I feel that most peoples bodies had naturally loosened up throughout the day. Never too intense of a practice, some of the most difficult things I’d do were head stands and crow.
Generally what I did: 7 or so minutes of teaching ujjai breathing/relaxing/turning the mind volume down, cat/cow rotation, sun salutations, warrior series/or just some tougher holding poses to work up a sweat, deeper stretches, backbends and/or some more intensive poses, then 8-10 for corpse pose.
The students I had were always pleased with the practice (I’ll guess mainly because I’ve got the whole trance-like voice down during corpse) but since I’m going to be teaching twice a week now, in addition to it being so early in the morning where my class can influence the general flow of a persons day, I’d like to have a greater repertoire to pull from as to keep things mixed up. (Other than the beginning and end of class I always like to mix up the asanas I throw in the middle).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.