Ekam - Oneness yoga challenge 2022

When it comes to yoga, 2022's Oneness yoga challenge built on chakra power is the way to go for unlocking your body bliss. Sri Preethaji's creation of this year’s Oneness yoga challenge is inspired by ancient Himalayan Yogis’ pursuit of enlightenment and the mystic experiences from her own consciousness. This unique yoga experience is all about awakening body bliss.

The Oneness yoga challenge is a universal path to health, bliss, and oneness. It is offered online, so you can practice in the privacy of your home or as a community.

Join in this journey to unlock your body bliss! Sign up for the Oneness yoga challenge today.

You will be amazed by what you will discover about yourself, your health, and your body through this experience.

On the 7th day of the yoga challenge which culminates on International Yoga Day, we encourage communal yoga practice.

Seekers from world over will engage in creating oneness yoga mob in their neighbourhoods, at work places, in parks, in libraries, in open spaces by creating their own group for fellow yoga enthusiasts to gather and participate in a collective experience. Inspiring the world towards yoga, bliss & oneness.

Oneness yoga challenge 2022 is a worldwide event in which participants will practice yoga every day for 100 days. The event is open to anyone regardless of age and skill level, and is designed to help participants be their best selves physically and mentally by getting in touch with the inner power of their bodies through the physical practice of yoga.

This challenge will be run by the Oneness foundation, which has been promoting yoga as a way to living happier, healthier lives since 2010. The challenge is designed to benefit both your individual health and that of the world at large. By dedicating yourself to a regular yoga practice, you can reduce stress, increase co-ordination and flexibility, improve sleep quality, and much more. Additionally, you'll be doing your part to help preserve the health of the environment through reducing your carbon footprint. Many people are already aware of how bad global warming is for the planet's ecology; however, those who regularly practice yoga are also aware of how big an impact it has on their own physical wellbeing, as well! By practicing yoga every day for 100 days in a row, you'll be eliminating toxins from your body and helping improve your immune system so that you're less likely to succumb to illness or disease.