Elbow injury

I’m working with a man who has injured his Antecubital region (elbow crease) while weight lifting a couple of months ago. Poses such as downward dog tend to irritate it. I’ve suggested being more cautious when lifting weights. We’ve been working shoulder openers and alignment of shoulder girdle/arm. Have you any suggestions for helping him heal? Thanks, D

This sounds like an injury done while extending (straightening) the elbow with strong weights. I would suggest not fully straightening his elbow when doing yoga poses especially the downward dog. Instead he can do the pose safely by turning the hands inward, which will internally rotate the shoulders and tend to cause the elbows to mildly flex. This temporary solution will alleviate the strain to that region. The longer-term issue would be to build up the biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscles while maintaining neutral shoulder alignment.