Q - Will Structural Yoga Therapy relieve and/or heal a tendonitis condition in the elbows? Also, I am assuming that I all weight-bearing poses such as downward dog, plank and chaturanga poses in the case of tendonitis should be avoided. Is this correct? Your advise would be
much appreciated. Looking forward to our session on 12/5. Thank you, G
Such a delicate condition as this i find can be worsened by yoga so we must clarify what to avoid. you have a good start on it. some can be modified
some must be eliminated depending on your personal situation. sometime Ayurvedic perspective helps in getting clearer on the deeper issues for this is not limited to elbow only.
over all i find tendonitis and other tendon injuries responds best to bodywork and i can do that for you (as i formerly owned a massage school and have lots of training) or recommend some techniques that can assist.