Elderly client with Bursitis etc

An old client, a lovely Indian woman, recently came back after 6 months of problems. Always had difficult periods, cramps, bleeding three weeks out of the month, depression, incapacitated. Well, then they gave her a hysterectomy. Pain, nausea, depression continue and she’s out of plumbing now. Bursitis in the shoulder. Physician brother told her to STOP! all movement. So she came to see me for yoga.

I am doing diaphragmatic breath and vipassana meditation with her. Vata condition as far as I understand, relationship to herself issue. As I understand, even joint freeing series might worsen pain in shoulder. Do you have some pearls to cast upon my swine-ishness?

Of course MD advice is impossible, she must move but with intelligence. Optimal is to do assessment of her ROM and MT so you can calculate more precisely what to not do and what to do. If you are not feeling clear on that yet then. Best is to give her JFS and modify shoulder motions so her elbows are kept at 45 degree angle instead of fuller motion with elbows coming to shoulder height. That should give some relief especially in rotation motions.