Emmanuel Cemetary & the Drive to Ohio

A website posting more of my poems can be found at http://home.earthlink.net/~mjoneve/
Some of my personal favorites - done while driving across the country in search of myself and my right place to land.

Emmanuel Cemetery
Glyde, Pa. - Sunday July 25, 1997

Isn’t it through the form
that the Formless is found?
Isn’t it through the name
that the Nameless is
Isn’t it through the breath
that the Breath dies?
Isn’t it through the taste
that Nectar dwells?
Isn’t it through death
that Eternal Life flows?

O’Mukunda -
Reflect on these
and recover the Anand
that you cherish.

Isn’t it through sex
that you found
the Sexless One?
Isn’t it through the wind
that you felt the Still One?
And through lying still
that you found
the Infinite Dancer?

And through giving up title and
that you found
the Great Abundant One?

In accepting the unacceptable
now unconditionally love
as Your Self.

O’Mukunda -
Reflect on these
and recover the Anand
that you cherish.

Isn’t it through the bird’s song
that you heard
the Inner Song?
Isn’t it through the wasp’s dance
that you found the
Dance of your Heart?

Isn’t it through beauty
that the Perfect One lives?
Isn’t it through yogasana
that you came Home?
Isn’t it through this moment
that All Life Is?

O’ Mukunda -
Travel the path of Form
that leads to the
Travel the journey
across the country
that leads to
No Country.

O’ Mukund Anand -

The way to Ohio
On the way through Ohio
Maxfield Parish
interrupted the journey
to pastel the sky.

I stop and he changes his
to paint the proud sky dancer
streaking Ribbons
beyond Her,
lighting the sky.

Whites so white
they are crystalline.
Blues so blue they
reach eternity.

The door closes –
back to
the drive.