Emotional response

My second question is related to attitude and emotion. When we were watching you assess a client and also when we were actively participating, I know that I winced or showed emotion in my face in response to some of their information (L’s traumatic reaction, M’s surgeries). Can you give me some advice as to how I can avoid doing this in the future? I know that I shouldn’t do it.

For me showing emotion is a sign of very healthy Ayurvedic constitution and current status of the doshas. Yoga also does encourage a natural expression of all our desires, emotions and mental states. My guru was quite clear on this and I found him to be remarkably human in his emotional expressions. One never had to guess at his feelings. I hope I am also a role model of natural expression. I would not encourage you to hide your responses especially as some of the clients I work with in front of you will be in tremendous pain and suffering.