
Dear Mukunda, I am about to begin one-on-one classes with a 75-year old woman with advanced emphysema. She is on oxygen at all times and tires very easily. She has done yoga and feels (with her doctor’s support) that it would be beneficial to her now. I know that gentle pranayama (diaphragmatic durgha breath) will be both difficult and most beneficial to her. Also, gentle joint-freeing and centering/relaxation meditations. Other suggestions or references I should explore?

Thank you. Jai, Jeanne

What you are doing sounds good. Definitely have her learn intercostal breathing with hands pushing in on lower ribs during exhalations. More details in my book. Be careful not to apply pressure on lowest (floating ribs) during practice. Encourage longer exhalations. Joint Freeing series also is good to give and do it slowly about 30-40 minutes is ideal. So that alone may be enough exercise for her to do. When she has stamina i would add rolling bridge motion as undulating spine up and down could facilitate opening to posterior section of diaphragm and hence increase lung capacity.