
A student has been diagnosed with endometriosis and wants to know if yoga can help. My instinctive reaction is to suggest a regular practice including the menstruation period asanas (forward bends, baddha konasana, upavista konasana etc.) to decrease congestion in the pelvic area. Would you agree, and are there other things you would suggest? Thanks, M.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Questioner on 2002-04-27 11:54 ]</font>

I have not heard of yoga eliminating this condition. Yoga can help with all conditions. Your suggestions seem good. My suggestion would be to eliminate inverted poses and encourage ujjaye pranayamas during menstruation. I would suggest pause during phase after inhalation then use Mula bandhas with exhalations. This will encourage Samana prana and apana prana to increase to help eliminate more thoroughly. You might also run this question by esutra@aol.com that group has women teachers experienced in these issues.