Energy experience

I would like to be included in your Spirit’s Way email. A few weeks ago I went to Shoshoni (Rollinsville, CO), which, I am sure you know, is an ashram with Swami Shambhavananda as their spiritual teacher.
His spiritual teachers were Muktananda and Rudrananda, and their energy is very powerful there. It happened to be the anniversary of Rudi’s
mahasamadhi the second night we were there. In the temple during meditation time, I felt huge waves of energy coming from Baba’s picture, and I fully opened myself up to that energy.

In the middle of the night, my roommate told me, I spontaneously started
doing Bhastrika breathing. I was asleep; I don’t remember it at all. She
was concerned for me because it was such a powerful breath and I continued doing it for a full hour, but she did not wake me. Needless to say, in the morning I had a very sore throat and sinuses, and subsequently got sick. I felt disoriented, but I was not afraid, since I am familiar with Shaktipat, but still I was really overpowered with the force of this experience.

I want to continue in my path, but I guess I am facing some fear about at
the same time about my ability to handle it. Can you advise? Thank you for all your wonderful emails.

With great love and respect, S

This is my lineage of spiritual teachers. I was at the initiation ceremony of several Swamis in India as well as Baba Muktananda’s final birthday at which time he passed on the leadership of the ashram to Swami Chitvilasananda and her brother Swami Nityananda. The energy of this lineage is about awakening to your own inner Self (inner teacher). I have also experienced a similar bout of spontaneous Bhastrika rapid pranayama only for me it was during a waking state. It occurred to me just as I was preparing for morning programs and lasted for 2 hours I could only lie in bed and witness it.

The major danger in such experiences is one of fear of the unknown and the tendency of the prolonged Bhastrika to imbalance pitta. One needs to maintain a more bland diet and be gentle with Hatha yoga when pitta/fire energy is increased during such events. In general I would encourage focusing your attention upon what and who do you love. By cultivating love Kundalini energy becomes directed to a safe channel and kapha/earth element becomes increased which in turn balances the excessive pitta that is common in this sadhana.

It is not uncommon to get sick from such experiences. You are of course best advised to eat less and take what supplements may help improve your immune system. Often the language is that these spontaneous events increase Kriyas (purification) of the physical body drawing out poor dietary, or exercise habits for examination. Also it clearly works on the root of the chakras drawing out fear, anger, and attachment to fixed point of view. Open-mindedness, compassion, courage will balance these unwholesome tendencies. Also reading of the yoga sutras on Yamas and Niyamas is beneficial chapter II, 29-45. Spend what time you can with uplifting company, listening to chants or attending to nature. I am available to consult by phone or in person should you want. Check my travel schedule on my website (it is updated monthly) as I am often gone sharing with others.