Energy Healing

Dear Mukunda:

I received an energy healing from you on Tuesday in Wichita and have a few questions regarding the session. First, are there any possible negative side effects from the treatment?

Can it change the electrical impulses in your heart? Any effect on mitral valve prolapse?

I guess I didn’t expect to feel so tired and kind-of wiped out afterwards. I am running a slight temperature too. Are these common side effects? Thanks for answering these questions.

  1. None that I have ever heard of. Though it can make you more perceptive, intuitive, and emotional.

  2. In general energy therapy and yoga pranayama always serve to heighten homeostasis and return your physiology to normal functions. It is not a subject that can be studied, as there are so many different types of energy as well as methods to open the energy fields.

  3. Yes, it can do that. I worked on a 10 year old the other night who was under a tremendous amount of stress and her response was to sleep for 17 hours. Her father was amazed and so was she. The session I did on her was only involving clearing pain from ear rings being put in. You are welcome I hope your system regains harmony shortly and that you learn to read the messages of what your intuition is saying. Mukunda