Extra lumbar vertebrae

I have a perspective student who has an extra lumbar vertebrae (I am new to teaching and don?t know if I can help her). She is incredibly stiff and struggles with her health (kidney problems, especially). Her lumbar spine does not curve at all and her shoulders and head are forward. She lifted weights for many years and has a tiny, tight frame. Before I even suggest that she do the joint freeing exercises, I thought I?d ask you about this extra vertebrae of hers. What asanas are safe for her to begin with?

Thank you, R in Norway

Nothing special needs to be done regarding extra lumbar vertebrae with the exception of reminding the student that she needs to extend spine more. Also from the sounds of her she needs to strengthen the psoas muscle, many poses can do this but ideal is to feel the muscle pulling lumbar forward with all forward bends (dog, stick poses especially). The Joint Freeing series is good especially cat and sunbird. More details on this in my Structural Yoga Therapy book (page 142). If she is uncomfortable in any posture she should modify it to make it so or have you assist her in finding ?comfortable and steady? for staying accountable to Yoga Sutras guidelines.