Eye Problem

Hello all,

A friend of mine has very weak eyes. She has a risk of retinal detachment (has undergone minor procedures) to correct this. Her power in both eyes are very high (about 19).

She has turned to yoga and is learning from my teacher. However her doctor has warned her against certain poses (especially those involving jerks) I am not sure what that means, cause I have never come across a yoga pose involving a jerk.

I have two questions:

  1. Is it true, should she be not doing certain poses? Her current practice involves about 10 rounds of sivananda style surya namaskars. And some other basic poses. I am sure the teacher is not making her do inversions, which might not be advisable for her.

  2. Are there some poses beneficial for her?

Headstand should be avoided.

Shirshasana should not be practiced by people who suffer from high blood pressure, migraine, heart disease, catarrh, chronic constipation, kidney problems, weak eye blood vessels or any other eye condition, spinal injury.

Thank you :slight_smile:


Zero inversion. Also, most beneficial is going to be control and coordination of breathing, along with mental focus. That’s where pressure can become harmful: spacing out. Find a teacher who strongly emphasizes and verbally cues all the breathing.


thought yoga is good for most ailments, it is not a panacea. while everyone can benefit from adequate yoga practice, your friend should avoid anything that takes the head below the heart and certain pranayamas (yogic breath) as well as anything that can be too straining. i would recommend restorative yoga and some exersises for eyes, especially the one when you switching attention looking at your thumb then far-far away and thumb again

Thank you all so much… I will pass on these insights to her… I hope she feels better and is able to arrest the weakness of her eyes…

Yin yoga ,Is a beautiful practice