Facebook vs Forums

With the increase of Facebook, are forums like this becoming obsolete?

I’ve noticed it on other forums I visit and facebook pages that I like, forums seem to have less and less traffic.

I’m more of a numbers guy Dave and I’m not privy to any stats relative to hit and bounce counts on forums, yoga or otherwise. I do believe that the prevalence of information in society today tends not to favor forum membership growth. The question isn’t “can I find the answer”. It is more of “who am I listening to”. On the first traffic could surely diminish as “I” can get answers elsewhere. On the second, I prefer NOT to get answers any old place but rather from trusted sources that do not disappear overnight.

Information on any topic is always more trusted when coming from a consumer. Whether I’m fixing my manifold on the car or struggling with a yoga sequence I’ve always gone to forums for information. Facebook has become much more useful in that regard and I was just curious. There isn’t much going on on this forum. Thanks for your reply.

This is dark times where majority of people wants to live the life partying and indulge in desires. They are not interested in yama, niyama or dharma.

I agree with fakeyogis. Facebook is creating a narcissistic society. People are becoming self centered and addicted to their cell phones and ipads. I see our society getting worse and young people are a joke. I used to own a popular Forum about Latin America travel. The forum was a vbb platform, and I saw a decline since FB began. I’ve since sold my forum and the new owner has seen even less traffic.

Forums definitely seem quieter these days, but I think they still have a place. They allow for more in-depth discussions that often get lost in the fast pace of Facebook. Plus, some people prefer the structure of forums for specific topics. I’ve seen people mention their blocked Facebook account as a reason to return to forums, since it’s more reliable for long-term discussions. It’s nice to have a space where conversations don’t disappear as quickly.

Facebook is like a whole universe, it means each and every topic are discussed there. While Forums are content specific and topic specific.