Falling asleep

Q from Kriya ?
I think I’ve been falling asleep during meditation. I use the mantra out loud, and then to myself, then I remember nothing until I notice my chin is on my chest! I’ve been thinking I was in a peaceful state since I’m not plagued with thoughts, but maybe it’s simply sleep! What do you think? If so, how do I combat this?

As a mantra does its work of transforming the mind it produces an array of experiences. The word mantra comes from the roots man meaning to think and tra meaning transformation. The mind is perceived as originating from within the body until the mantra corrects your perception. In order to break this constant self-centered cycle, the mantra begins to shut off the mind so that thinking is no longer perceived. In its place the underlying consciousness free of thought can be known by direct experience. The knowing of the Self as this field of consciousness is the purpose of mantra. Until one detaches more smoothly there will be the experience of tandra. In this state the mind is blank similar to the state of dreamless sleep. No one is there, yet the Self is there to report that this empty experience has taken place. It is similar to the novice yoga student who falls asleep during their experience of yoga relaxation pose, Savasana. Overtime there can be conscious alertness of the witness to take the place of tandra or sleep.