Feeling the energy aura from the woman next to me

Hi Folks,

I’ve been doing yoga off an on for a couple of years now. But I’m curious, in my earlier days of doing yoga, on one occasion I felt a girls energy aura when she was adjacent to me, and while we both were in the final shivasna pose. This was very enjoyable to me and memorable, as I’ve never felt anything like it before. I stayed in shvasna longer than her, she looked as she was leaving in haste and maybe a bit of a surprise, perhaps she felt a mutual connection, or not? When she was leaving I opened my eyes briefly and looked over at her, she looked over at me, and that was it. Now I’m wondering are such experiences mutual? Or can one person just feel something such as this without the other? Also can this be felt with any person, or was this chemistry? Any experience with this, like to learn more about this. Never seen her again :(. Never going to know if she felt the energy also.

She did woman have power
Cheers and love

I think these things can be mutual - but they can certainly also be a one way thing. Some people are sensitive to these things and some aren’t.

From the way you describe it however, I think she very well may have felt something. You’ll never know. Take it as an interesting experience. :slight_smile: