
I have a new student with chronic pain from Fibromyalgia. Behind her R knee is painful, and her R leg is shorter than the L. She has pain in the psoas area as well on the R side. Before our yoga class, I gently pulled on her R leg (as I have seen you do in our Wichita training) and she said it gave her quite a bit of relief. Would your joint-freeing series be helpful to her? Should I encourage more breathing, relaxation and maybe meditation for her? Thank you for your consideration. Your Q & A’s are a blessing! With great respect and love.

Chronic fatigue is a vata (pranic) imbalance. Changes in leg length are often due to the sacroiliac joint being unstable. I will show you how to work with this when I come next month. The joint freeing series addresses this and is potentially a great help. In addition learning how to relax specific areas of the body individually, pranayama directed to that relaxation, and meditation on restoring the pitta (fire) energy to the belly can be of benefit. To work with energy it is best to learn to do these skills yourself then your energy will teach others energy. It will not come from didactic presentation, but from the subtle body sharing its state with another. In this way subconsciously you can be of more assistance.